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The Hydrographical Network
Buzau River springs from the eastern side of the Ciucas Mountains.

The main settlements in Buzau County crossed by Buzau River are; Vama Buzaului: Intorsura Buzaului; Sita Buzaului; Crasna; Siriu; Nehoiasu; Nehoiu; Patarlagele ; Cislau; Viperesti; Magura; Berca; Sapoca; Vernesti; Maracineni; Sageata;Buzau ;Gradistea; Racovita; Latinu.

Out of 325km, total length of Buzau’s river, 140km of this river are crossing our county from northwest to southeast.
Other smaller rivers in our county are: Crasna, Valea Neagra, Siriul Mare, Nehoiu and on the left side Zabratau, Hartagu, Casca and Bisca Rosilei

• In the hills area on the right side, there are: Bisca Chiojdului and Niscov and on the left side Sibiciul, Balaneasa, Saratel, Slanic and Cilnaul
• In the lowland area there are unimportant tributaries rivers of extremely low flow.

Hydropower facilities

• On the river Buzau there are two hydroelectric power stations: Siriu dam on the accumulation Lake Siriu, with the hydroelectric power station Nehoiasu and Candesti dam with the hydroelectric power station Candesti-Vernesti-Simileasca.
• Nehoiasu hydroelectric power station has an installed power of 42 MW. Put into use in 1988, it uses the waters from the Lake Siriu. The lake that formed behind the dam is 122 m high, and its volume is 125 cubic metres.
•  The hydroelectric power station Candesti has an installed power of 11.45 MW, Vernesti 11,8 MWand  Simileasca 11,7 MW.


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